Catalog download
Catalog Download
Click this link or search "Catalog" on the search bar.
2. Contact sales rep.
What's in Catalog
1. Page 2 covers what services LOVETOY offers.
2. Page 3 is the classification of all products.
Clients can click the series name to reach the related product page.
3. Product page shows basic product info
Item code, picture, color, price, material, MOQ, charging & setting, product size, etc
4. Products with the same feature are listed together
Clients can tell the difference between products easily.
5. Clients can use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + F" to search specific item code
6. Links to the website
Page | Content | Links to website |
Cover (Page 1) | new release | new release products |
Catalog (Page 3) | Check promotion items | products with special discount |
Product page | Pictures | detail product info |
Last page | FAQ | Article |